Beat GPT-4o with NuExtract Fine-Tuned on Your Data

Leverage NuMind's Expertise for Your
Specific Structured Extraction Use Case

NuMind works with your annotated or non-annotated dataset. In both cases, NuMind delivers you with a version of NuExtract that is better-performing than generic LLMs.

Full Autonomy and Transparency

NuMind fine-tunes the embedding for you to get you started.
Keep fine-tuning your NuExtract model until your model returns the desired performance.

Your NuExtract Model

NuMind delivers the model.

report icon

Performance Report

NuMind delivers the performance report (cross-validation).

Training Script

NuMind delivers the training script.

Performance Report Script

NuMind delivers the performance report script too.

Cost-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving

Host on your GPU and save on inference costs

Small Yet Powerful

Custom NuExtract is a 100 times smaller than generic LLMs and returns better performances.

Low Inference Consumption

Your Custom NuExtract model runs on one full-sized GPU.

Compatible With All Production Environments

You get the scripts. You get the power.